Mike, 70 Powys
Dave, 68 Cheshire
Axel, 42 Hertfordshire
Andre, 52 Derbyshire
Jackie, 64 Norfolk
Emily, 36 Humberside
Julia, 51 Lancashire
Melanie, 43 Lincolnshire
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With technology advancing at such a rate in recent years, it’s inevitable that many of us seem to be living our life through our phones, iPads and other mobile devices. We can check the weather...
As a parent you’re always going to experience some form of guilt and that’s totally normal. However it’s also normal for you to have another adult relationship. Remind yourself that...
If you are a single parent who is looking to enter the world of online dating, you want to ensure you have the best experience possible. So the following 6 tips are...
Dating, it isn’t always the easiest of games and for some people they may feel that they are just finding the wrong people each and every time. If this is the case...